Super Synthesis


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  • Regular price $75.00

VCAR is a digital voltage controlled Attack - Release envelope. A simple utility module with extra useful features. Use it as a standard envelope, a clock divided modulation source in one-shot mode, an LFO, or a voltage controlled trigger delay via the EOC output. 


ENV: The envelope output. 

EOC: End-of-Cycle trigger. This outputs a trigger when the envelope ends. 

GATE: A gate starts the envelope in AR mode. The output will rise to ~10V at the rate set by the attack slider (A) while the gate is high, then fall to 0V at the rate set by the release slider (R) when the gate goes low.

TRIG: A trigger starts the envelope in one-shot mode. A rising edge will cause the output to rise to ~10V at the rate set by the attack slider (A), then immediately fall to 0V at the rate set by the release slider (R). Subsequent triggers are ignored while the envelope is active, allowing frequency division of an incoming clock or trigger source based on the attack and release settings. 

A: Attack time. The associated CV input is a bipolar offset.

R: Release time. The associated CV input is a bipolar offset.


The jacks above each slider are CV inputs for that parameter, with an attenuator. 


Note: -12V was left unmarked on the power header on these modules (who would do such a thing?!) The red stripe on your power cable should go DOWN. -12V is DOWN.