Loquelic Iteritas Percido
Loquelic Iteritas Percido is an extension of the original Loquelic Iteritas. Like Loquelic Iteritas, it is a digital VCO with interpretations of three classic synthesis algorithms involving dual pitch control parameterized by four tone controls. LIP adds an envelope that can be shaped and routed to pitches and tone controls, making it into a free-standing voice.
Complex digital
Size: 20HP Eurorack
Depth: 1 Inch
Power: 2x8 Eurorack
Draw +12v: 150/80 mA
Draw -12v: 5 mA
Draw +5v: 0/90 mA (optional)
MSRP: $555 US
"It's a lovely module. When I first saw it, I freaked out. I was like, wow. I can't believe this exists." -- Baseck
Loquelic - speech - from Latin loquela "speech"
Iteritas - repetitiousness - from Latin itero "repeat" with suffix -tas state of being"
Percido - smash - from Latin percido "smash"
"smash speech oscillator"