noise engineering

Solera Vera

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  • Regular price $253.00

Three-channel stroboscopic tuner with patch-through. Tune silently!

Soleo Vero is a 4HP stroboscope tuner for up to three oscillators. Patch directly through the Soleo Vero to avoid patching and repatching. The stroboscope allows for tuning across a range of octaves on the fly, even without audio monitoring. No more bumped oscillator surprises! Allows for tuning to either the 440Hz or 432Hz standard.

Size and power:

  • 4HP Eurorack
  • +12v: 42mA
  • -12v: 5mA

Soleo — from Latin soleo for "in the habit of"

Vero — from Latin vero for "without a doubt"

“Habitual truth”